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★ Review ☆ Like, Social Media #2 by JA Huss

LIKE: Social Media #2 - JA Huss
Woah! Be prepared for a serious book hangover!
I was super lucky to have won a arc and I swallowed this baby up. I finished this two days ago and I haven't been able to get into any other book, to say I am dying and would do anything for the next instalment is an understatement!
Picking up where FOLLOW left off ....
Vaughn Asher can not stop thinking about Grace since she ran out and left him in Saint Thomas and after finding out her Twitter handle, he can't seem to stop himself from playing along, anything to get His girl.
MovieStar @VaughnAsher
@FilthyBlueBird #Fantastic #BackToNatureFucking #MissingSomething #You

Grace can't understand Asher's behaviour, he confuses her, the guy wants her to sign a NDA but he is so relentless to make her his, putting everything on show on his personal Twitter.... And hers.

"I'll tell them all it was a lie if..." 
"If what?" She growls at me through the phone. 
"If you have phone sex with me, right now."

Asher doesn't just want her, he finds himself needing her, needing to care for her in every way. Some very hot and panty melting ways, and then some ways that make Grace cringe and go off the deep end, reinforcing that she needs to stay away from Asher.

"Because once a day I will know for certain that you are thinking of me. And once a day you will know for certain that I am thinking of you."

Lets not forget the sex, I mean dirty tweets, phone sex and  some very hot #SingeYourPantiesOff outdoor recreational activities that leave you breathless and wanting to take Grace's place.

"If you make a noise, I'm going to assume you want people to watch."

Will she sign his NDA or will these two continue to butt heads over the control?

You will have to read it to find it!

And now, the long ass count down begins for BLOCK, Social Media #3
Amazon / B&N / iBooks
Social Media Series;
#1, Follow - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
#2, Like - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
#3, Block - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
#4, Status - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
#5, Profile - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
#6, Home - Amazon / B&N / iBooks
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Want to watch Asher and Grace in all their dirty-tweeting glory?