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★ Review ☆ Jessica and Sharon, Songs of Submission # 3.5, CD Reiss

Jessica and Sharon - C.D. Reiss
Book 3.5, Jessica & Sharon. 23pg ebook


“There were too many fires to put out. Too many pieces to move across the chessboard.” 

I love these two small stories, or chapters as I've looked at them, are from Jonathan's point of view which is something that I feel we needed.
You find out in book 3 that Jonathan is no longer in love with his bitch of an ex-wife. Now, this chapter shows that unfolding, him dropping Monica off and getting a call from Jessica.
Witnessing Jonathan's realization that the woman he thought was his world, was nothing more than a wrong choice was touching.
With his new found freeness and his openness of the way he feels for Monica, he heads to San Francisco to tend to business, and to Sharon.
The submissive in San Francisco that is at Jonathan's beck and call every time he blows in and out of town once or twice a month is waiting, in position for him when he arrives. Their relationship isn't anything serious, they both are a helper of sorts to the other. He has helped her stay away from abusing asses and she has fulfilled his dark desires as a Dominant. Jonathan is quick at setting her straight, that things are to be over and why remaining as an honest friend to her.
It is here that Jonathan learns from Debbie that Jessica has spoken with Monica at the club and told her something upsetting, he starts to panic, not knowing what secrets she could have shared, he try's to arrange the people in his life like pawns on a chess board in his mind, fearful that Monica won't accept all of him.
My only complaint is that this is too short, but I'm just being a greedy and wanting to be in Jonathan's head more
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